Tag Archives: wraparound

Indie War – Divide and Conquer

I’m a “list guy” and prolific note taker. Two weeks ago a stack of file folders stuffed with papers sat on my desk. It was three inches high, the record of trials and tribulations associated with learning how to prepare the manuscripts and covers for both the ebook and print editions of my novel. Inevitably during a long project, I frequently experience the compulsive urge to start yet another list. As I sat here trying to make sense of what I’d accomplished and what remained of various “To Do” lists, I found myself very nearly catatonic. At those moments I … Continue reading

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Indie War Dispatch – Wraparound Background

The short-version backstory on this continuing series of posts is very simple: with more time than spare change lying around, I decided to personally accomplish each of the tasks required to publish my novel as an ebook for all the popular ereading devices and make it available on as many distribution outlets as possible, along with offering a paperback edition through print-on-demand. At this point in my account of the war, I had been actively seeking help on two forums, one for Photoshop Elements (PSE) and the other for InDesign (ID). Etiquette as well as practical considerations prevent crossing the … Continue reading

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