If you have visited this logbook in the past and read any of the parts in the series “Beautiful Aviation Art,” you are probably aware that my sole purpose in posting the images is to pay tribute first to the airmen, and second to the artists who so wondrously capture single moments in the time of a world conflict almost beyond imagination.
In Part Four, I mentioned that the originator of the slide show with these images stumbled upon my website during an online search on a totally unrelated topic, and realized that we had flown Phantoms together in the 1970s. Forty years later we reconnect, and how cool is that?
Then yesterday I received notification of a new comment on Part One of the series from a visitor named Brian Bateman. He wrote:
Stumbled upon your blog and knowing many of these artists as my friends it is a pleasure to see their work posted and getting the recognition they deserve. Keep up the good work and I will look forward to your next set being posted in the future.
The comment included a link to Brian’s website, so I took a peek and discovered that he is the “real deal” when it comes to aviation and military art. If you are at all interested in this subject, I highly recommend that you pay him a visit and please mention that I sent you. Brian Bateman’s links are: