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I published my debut novel Pilot Error in 2011 and had Red Line in work when a group of us indie authors attended the 2012 Texas Book Festival and displayed our books in a booth, hoping (in vain) to sell out before the two-day event closed down.
Having customized bookmarkers to place in each book after signing it seemed like a good marketing tool, so I downloaded a 2″ x 6″ template and designed a two-sided bookmark with the covers of both novels and the first books of my two non-fiction series on aviating and writing.
One of my fellow writers and friends had bookmarks made for the event. She recently asked if I would redo them, which led to designing a bookmark two days ago for another writer and friend who is in the process of launching her debut novel.
And so, dear website visitors, the purpose of this post is to share with you the following bookmark designs, and I’ll add new designs to the post as necessary.
Without further adieu, here they are, and for this update, we begin with the newest addition to the gallery:
For A Promise of Water by Sharon Scarborough
My first bookmark (side #1)
My first bookmark (side #2)
For the girl from Long Guyland by Lara Reznik
For The M&M Boys by Lara Reznik
For Compromise with Sin by Leanna Englert
Special Note: I’d love to claim cover-design credit for Leanna’s novel, but the kudos go to Kristin Bryant of 99designs. My contribution involved resizing the original paperback cover to accommodate the spine width required by the final page count, adding the jacket blurb on the back cover (with a really nice drop cap embellishment), including an excerpt from a Readers’ Choice Five-Star review, and inserting an author photo.
Standby for the next addition to Tosh’s Bookmark Gallery . . .

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