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Two older posts in the Pilot Error Logbook address the topic of a PowerPoint presentation titled “Pilot Error in Fact and Fiction” that I created after being invited to be a guest speaker at the Lakeway Men’s Breakfast Club (LMBC) in March, 2012: “Have Presentation – Will Travel” on 03/19, and “Presentation Aftermath” on 04/22.
As mentioned in the second of those posts, I received a subsequent invitation to give the presentation as part of the UT LAMP (Learning Activities for Mature People) Lecture and Seminar Series, a part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, on January 24, 2013, beginning at 9:30 a.m. at the Thompson Conference Center on the University of Texas at Austin Campus.
Based on the LMBC experience and in coordination with my UT LAMP curriculum contact, relative emphasis on the factual and fictional elements of the presentation has been changed. I’ve picked three high-profile aviation accidents to illustrate the effect of human performance on the ultimate outcomes. In each case, the event sequence is examined to show how a series of key elements fit together such that if any one had not occurred, the accident would never have happened. In addition, I revamped the slide show to further enhance the presentation and am currently in the process of fine-tuning both the show and the script.
I jokingly tell anyone unfortunate enough to engage with me in conversation about the presentation that the World Tour has begun, as evidenced by a recent invitation to be a guest speaker at Querencia at Barton Creek on March 6, 2013, at 2:00 p.m.
Please note that at this point, the tour schedule is relatively open. If you hurry, you can reserve the primo slots.