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Finally, research confirms that drinking offers the same benefits as yoga. Don’t believe it? Here’s the proof:
Savanna position of total relaxation
Balasana position that brings the sensation of peace and calm
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana position calms the brain and heals tired legs
Marjayasana position stimulates the midriff and spinal column
Halasana position excellent for back pain and insomnia
Dolphin position excellent for the shoulders, thorax, legs and arms
Salambhasana position to stimulate the lumbar area, legs, and arms
Ananda Balasana position for massaging the hip area
Malasana position for ankles and back muscles
So, life really boils down to two questions . . .
1. Should I get a dog?
Just to let you know that I’m thinking of you today,
No matter what life throws at you,
No matter how long and treacherous your journey may seem,
Remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
That’s good, because my job here is done.
Have a great day and remember to give thanks . . .
Cats are so dramatic!